Enhancing Healthcare Data Security and User Convenience: An Exploration of Integrated Single Sign-On (SSO) and OAuth for Secure Patient Data Access within AWS GovCloud Environments
Healthcare Data Security, Single Sign-On (SSO), OAuthAbstract
Cloud-based healthcare apps must safeguard patient data. This study suggests SSO and OAuth may improve patient data access in secure AWS GovCloud healthcare apps.
Healthcare must balance patient privacy with data access for better care. Insecure and inefficient application-specific login password authentication exists.
SSO and OAuth are recommended for AWS GovCloud healthcare apps. Login to healthcare ecosystem apps using SSO. OAuth handles patient data. AWS GovCloud offers HIPAA-compliant cloud services to government and healthcare organizations. AWS GovCloud's security architecture and compliance certifications help healthcare enterprises run apps safely and comply with data protection requirements.
The proposed healthcare network leverages central IdPs. Only this IdP verifies healthcare app users. Following IdP authentication, SAML securely exchanges user credentials with the AWS GovCloud target application.
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HIPAA Privacy Rule, Department of Health and Human Services, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act