Generative AI in Business Analytics: Creating Predictive Models from Unstructured Data
Generative AI, business analytics, predictive modelingAbstract
Businesses and others may use generative AI to analyze unstructured data. Generative AI's unstructured data forecasting algorithms may disrupt company strategy, says study. Unstructured text, video, and audio challenge traditional approaches. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) may solve these difficulties by creating patterns and forecasting features from chaotic data.
Article begins with Generative AI's fundamental algorithms and designs. We test GANs and VAEs using unstructured data. Prediction models use unstructured data and feature extraction. Genal AI may increase forecast accuracy and strategic decision-making by utilizing NLP for text analysis, computer vision for image data, and audio signal processing.
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